BRAZIL Cultivation of coffee by ACOP – Ouro Verde

The ACOP of Ouro Verde, which last year installed the irrigation system in large areas of the community “sitio” (arable land) to prepare new coffee plantations, by both individual members and community, succeded in planting new coffe crops, with the financial help of Don Sergio.
Soon there will be the first harvest, and, after harvesting, a “coffee seeds drying machine” is required.
Until a few years ago, coffee drying was done simply by placing the coffe seeds under the sun in the ACOP courtyard.
Today the quantities and quality demands of the product are such that this simple and traditional treatment is no longer possible. For this reason, the ACOP, through Don Sergio, asked us for help in buying a coffee dryer.
Come Noi has decided to contribute with € 12,000, asking ACOP to cover the difference in cost.
In the first months of 2022, the preparation of the land was done for placing the coffee dryer.
At the end of April the drayer arrived and is now beying installed.