Somone Library – educational and cultural activities

attività educative alla biblioteca della Somone

The educational and cultural activities are carried out in courses organized at the library of Ngarapau Somone, located in a high school with more than 1000 students, which is still the operational center of our activities, under the control of the untiring and professional Ibou Diouf.
The courses range from malaria prevention and personal hygiene to Islam-Christianity dialogue.
Every year a program of courses is open to students and to the entire population.
Since 2014, the training activity has been focused on computer courses, involving every year about 20 school teachers and 150 students, coordinated by three trainers.
Come Noi pays for  the salaries of the trainers, the stationery, the set of forms and the prizes for the best students at the end of the course.
Since 2016, courses have been set up to train teachers, in order to make them able to give themselves lessons in the next years.
Many students approached infomation technology; most of the students, who at the beginning could not even turn on a PC, at the end of the courses were able to write a letter in a word processing software, compose a table on a spreadsheet and surf the Internet.

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