The ABA was founded in 1991 in Curral de Dentro; at the beginning it was named Bertolusso Foundation and had professional and educational training aims similar to those of the CET (Centro Educação e Trabalho) and autonomous funds, but soon has found itself in economic difficulties. Don Sergio asked Come Noi for help to avoid abandoning a well-established professional training activity, in an organized and equipped structure; help that we have been happy to give. The ABA also has agreements with social services and therefore enjoys local contributions, even though less than the CET. About a hundred students are attending. …
Tag: formazione culturale
formazione culturale
BRAZIL CET of Cachoeira de Pajeù
The CET (Centro Educaçao e Trabalho) of Cachoeira de Pajeù is one of the most important educational projects activated by Come Noi in Brazil. It was founded in 1992 as an afterschool for a few girls and boys and was based in a small building on the suburbs: the old deconsecrated catholic church of Cachoeira, where there was a small vegetable garden also attended by boys and the embroidery school for girls. Over the past 20 years, the CET has seen many relevant transformations in structures and functions: new IT rooms, a new hall for school meals and organized …
ITALY Cultural integration –“Turin my home town” project
” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Since 2000, we co-finance the project promoted by MEIC (Ecclesial Movement of Cultural Commitment) and “Mondi in città” for facilitating the integration of immigrant women from North African countries of Islamic culture, through Italian language courses and citizenship education paths. Women can bring their preschoolers, attended by a baby-sitting service during lessons. The initiative is unique in Italy for the high participation of Arab-Islamic women and involves more than 250 women and 100 children every year. This is a precious opportunity for North African women to regularly attend lessons, with the approval of their husbands and …
Somone Library – educational and cultural activities
The educational and cultural activities are carried out in courses organized at the library of Ngarapau Somone, located in a high school with more than 1000 students, which is still the operational center of our activities, under the control of the untiring and professional Ibou Diouf. The courses range from malaria prevention and personal hygiene to Islam-Christianity dialogue. Every year a program of courses is open to students and to the entire population. Since 2014, the training activity has been focused on computer courses, involving every year about 20 school teachers and 150 students, coordinated by three trainers. Come Noi …