Immigration and integration in Turin

La sfida dell'immigazione:le donne che frequentano i corsi di lingua italiana

Since the end of the 80s Italy is in the depths of the immigration, that enters directly into our lives.

Mostly they are lone people looking for a job, but there are more and more families reunited, living sometimes dramatic situations for  lack of accommodation orof healthcare,  and need for integration.

With the project “Friendship of foreigners”, some families of Come Noi , in collaboration with the diocese Caritas Migrants Service ,committed to support the inclusion of immigrant families in Turin,. Over the years, fifteen families have been followed by eleven Italian families. Families have been met on concrete situations: home, work, births, health, unemployment, kindergartens, school, documents, public services, central police station.

For the housing problem, a collaboration was set up  with the associations “Il Riparo” and “La Ringhiera”, for acquiring apartments to let to the migrant families. In this way the families have been accompanied during the delicate transition from a state of emergency to the desired settlement.

Since the year 2000 the confront with immigration continues with the project promoted by the MEIC (Ecclesial Movement of Cultural Commitment) and “Mondi in città”. This is an important action on the territory of the city, in order to facilitate the integration of immigrant women from North African countries of Islamic culture, through Italian language courses and citizenship education paths .